1895 fishing — Trout biting at Lake George

Maury Thompson
2 min readJun 11, 2024


The trout were biting at Lake George in 1895.

“F. T. G. Bellen and John Cashion exhibited yesterday three large trout which they captured in Lake George near Bolton Wednesday afternoon,” The Morning Star of Glens Falls reported on May 3. “E. N. Freeman, Dr. S. J. Bowman, Robert McClellan, W. J. Guthrie and Edward Lattimore returned from Lake George yesterday morning with five trout whose weight ranged from three to eleven and one-half pounds.”

In other 1895 fishing news collected from historic newspapers of the region:

  • “The editor is indebted to Deliverance Rogers for a mess of trout for his breakfast this morning,” The Granville Sentinel reported on May 3, 1895.
  • “John Landon fished for three days, and his catch was sixty-four pounds and the largest thirteen pounds eight ounces, which is the largest one so far this season,” the East Lake George correspondent reported in The Morning Star on May 8.
  • “The following party of court attendants in Sandy Hill (now Hudson Falls) were entertained at a Lake George trout dinner at Hotel Hudson, Fort Edward, yesterday: Judge Stover, Judge Little, Judge Houghton, District Attorney Hull, Sheriff Robertson, County Clerk Van Worner, Court Stenographers Law and Landon, Counselors Whitman, Brackett and Paris,” The Morning Star reported on May 10.
  • “Dayton Ball of Albany, who fished at Lake George several days last week, secured seventy-two pounds of trout, the largest weighing eleven pounds,” The Morning Star reported on May 13.
  • “A party of four went out on a fishing expedition one day last week and brought back a sixty-pound catch of speckled beauties. They were caught in Anthony Pond,” the Long Lake correspondent reported in The Morning Star on May 16.
  • “Roscoe Wickham, a former resident of Schroon Lake, accompanied by three friends of Crown Point, spent a day on the trout brooks last week. They took thirty pounds of fine brown trout home with them. Mr. Wickham is telegraph operator at the Crown Point depot,” The Morning Star reported on May 18.
  • “W. M. Haskell and C. W. Cool returned home from Lake George Wednesday evening with a catch of about forty pounds of fish. Among the lot were several trout, the largest of which weighed eight pounds,” The Morning Star reported on May 24.
  • “(Glens Falls hotel keeper) J. S. Madden exhibited yesterday one of the largest speckled trout seen here this season. It was caught in the Saranac region and weighed nearly four pounds and a quarter dressed,” The Morning Star reported on May 24. “It was sent to Mr. Madden by M. B. Cashion, who is employed at Riverside Inn, Saranac Lake.”
  • “Trout fishing is better than for many years,” the Schroon Lake correspondent reported in The Morning Star on May 25. “John Stanton and Ed Richardson returned yesterday from Hoffman with a large quantity of fine brown trout.”

Click here to read the most recent previous 19th century fishing history post.



Maury Thompson

Freelance history writer and documentary film producer from Ticonderoga, NY