19 Blue Mountain Lake — 1894 Field Day
2 min readOct 3, 2024
Activities for a field day at Blue Mountain Lake included a swimming contest, foot race, tennis tournament, target shooting, and a woman’s boat race.
“Among the guests at the hotels much interest is taken in out-door sports and games,” the Blue Mountain Lake correspondent reported in The Morning Star of Glens Falls on Aug. 25, 1894. “On Friday, the 21st, an elaborate program was arranged and successfully carried out.”
In other 19th century Blue Mountain Lake news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
- “The Forest House at Blue Mountain Lake has been bought by William Spain of Newcomb, who will conduct it this season,” The Morning Star reported on June 2.
- “F.J. Holley, photographer, will move his studio next week to Indian Lake for a few weeks, after which he will return to Chestertown, his home,” the Blue Mountain Lake correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Sept. 1.
- “The Rev. Mr. Allen of Brooklyn, a Baptist minister who is stopping at the Blue Mountain House, Blue Mountain Lake, has the credit of killing the largest deer of the season in that vicinity. While hunting the other day, he brought down a buck that dressed 240 pounds,” The Morning Star reported on Sept. 1.
- “D. W. Stewart Webb will donate the use of a large plot of land in the Adirondacks near Blue Mountain Lake for the purpose of holding a summer military school,” The Granville Sentinel reported on March 22. “The school will take the form of camping out ground, such is at Peekskill, where the military companies of the state assemble every year.”
- “J. G. Holland, who has been in charge of a hotel at Lake Worth, Florida, has returned to Blue Mountain Lake for the summer,” The Morning Star reported on April 12.
- “Frank Lalone leaves on Saturday for Blue Mountain Lake where he will be employed as a clerk at the Blue Mountain Lake House,” The Morning Star reported on June 26.
- “George Guyette leaves tomorrow for Blue Mountain Lake where he will be employed as chef at the Lake House during the season,” The Morning Star reported on July 12.
- “F. R. C. Denton, photographer, who is in the employ of J. F. Holley, Chestertown, left here yesterday for Blue Mountain Lake, where he intends to remain through the month of August,” the North River correspondent reported in The Morning Star on July 20.
- “The hotels at Blue Mountain Lake are having a very prosperous season. A gentleman who returned from there Saturday says the Prospect House has 400 guests, every room in the Holland House is occupied, and the smaller hotels are well filled,” The Morning Star reported on Aug. 26.