1925 Glens Falls area — Elks pool tournament
The Elks Lodge billiards tournament was breaking news at Glens Falls a century ago.
“Harold J. Dwyer, long-standing cue champion of certain suburban sections of Glens Falls, upheld his title last night when he defeated ‘Bernie’ Fuller, self-admitted holder of the Queensbury and North Mexico titles, the game being the final in the third round of the elimination billiards tournament being conducted by the Glens Falls Elks,” The Post-Star reported on Feb. 12, 1925.
In other 1925 Glens Falls area news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
- “A Scotch collie yesterday afternoon ventured too far out on the honeycombed ice of the Hudson River in the rear of the Standard Oil plant and was heroically rescued by two employees of the oil plant, who braved the dangers of the ice to save the beast,” the Fort Edward correspondent reported in The Post-Star on Feb 12.
- On Feb. 14, the Glens Falls Academy basketball team defeated Plattsburg Normal School 28–24 at the Glens Falls Y. M. C. A. gym.
“The locals got away to a good start and held an eight-point lead at halftime. This lead enabled the Blue and White to take things a little bit easy in the second half,” The Glens Falls Times reported on Feb. 16.
- “The thirty-ninth annual banquet of the Glens Falls typographical union was held Saturday night in Fitzgerald’s Hotel with Martin Haverty in the chair. Loyal L. Davis spoke, and Frank Hupuch entertained. About ninety men sat down to dinner,” The Post-Star reported on Feb. 16.
- “The eighth-grade class of the local (Fort Edward) school enjoyed a sleigh ride Friday afternoon to the Lamphear home in Fortsville. Mrs. Edith MacLenithen, teacher of the grade, was in charge of the sleigh ride,” The Post-Star reported on Feb. 16. “The party left the school at 4. Mrs. Lamphear provided a supper. Games were played and music was enjoyed. Miss Holda Davis presided at the piano.”
- “Ten rum selling joints in Glens Falls have padlocked their own doors and six more are contemplating doing so as a result of the law enforcement drive recently held there, it is reported,” the Ticonderoga Sentinel reported on Feb. 26.
- “The Zonta Club will have a sleigh ride this evening which will start at Grant Avenue at 7:15, followed by a luncheon at the Gift and Tea Shop,” The Glens Falls Times reported on Feb. 17.
- “The Navigator,” starring Buster Keaton, was showing at The Rialto Theatre on Warren Street on Feb. 17.
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