1925 Glens Falls area: Winner, winner, chicken dinner
The “Home Night” contest at the Park Theatre was an earlier version of dinner and a movie, in which lucky winners received ingredients to take home and cook after the show.
“Three complete chicken dinners will be given Park (Theatre) patrons tonight, each dinner to be sufficient for five persons,” The Glens Falls Times reported on March 20, 1925. “’Home Night’ has been a popular attraction of manager Cuneo. Each dinner includes a five-pound chicken, one-half peck of potatoes, celery, olives, cucumbers, pound of butter and other food.”
The feature film that evening was “Call of the Wild,” based on the Jack London novel.
News and comedy reels also would be shown.
At The Empire Theatre on South Street, weather news reels were an attraction.
“The management of the Empire Theatre announced today that news reels of the great tornado which this week swept over the central states causing a huge loss of life and great property damage have been received and will be shown with the regular films Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,” The Glens Falls Times reported on March 21. “These films were made by William Fox and were brought east by special trains and are a real scoop in news reel pictures.”
In other 1925 Glens Falls area news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
- A new discount store was to open at 127–131 Glen St., in the vicinity of what is now Cool Insuring Arena.
“Arrangements are being made for a five and ten cent store to occupy the building now held by The Belvedere restaurant, The Peabody hotel, and the Self-Service Shoe Store in Glen St.,” The Glens Falls Times reported on March 20.
- “The Glens Falls Automobile Show last night broke all attendance records of any public exhibition in the Glens Falls State Armory (on Warren Street). More than 2,000 people attended the exhibition in the evening,” The Glens Falls Times reported on March 20. “For the record to be broken on the second night of the show is considered little less than phenomenal.”
Record breaking attendance continued.
“The Glens Falls Automobile Show at the state armory continues to surpass all records. More than 3,000 persons viewed cars during the evening,” The Glens Falls Times reported on March 21. “The armory doors were not closed until midnight, although the closing hour is set at ten o’clock.”
- “Morris Frost, proprietor of the Frost Department Store (in Hudson Falls), has opened to the public a most attractive department in the basement of the establishment which is devoted exclusively to five and ten cent articles,” The Post-Star reported on March 20. “The quarters, which were formerly occupied as a plumbing establishment, have been altered and present a most inviting appearance.”
- George E. Wiley of Glens Falls and F. Kenneth Maynard of Cambridge received Freshman Football letters at Middlebury College, The Glens Falls Times reported on March 21.
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