1925 Moriah — Basketball champions
Port Henry High School continued its dominance as a basketball powerhouse.
“The Port Henry basketball team, which is taking all opponents into camp this season, added to their laurels by easily defeating the Whitehall High outfit on the latter’s court,” the Ticonderoga Sentinel reported on Jan. 22. “At the rate the Port Henryites are moving at the present time, there are but few teams in northern New York their equal.”
The winning continued.
“The Port Henry High School basketball team has duplicated its exceptional feat of the past seven years by winning the Essex County Basketball League championship,” the Sentinel reported on March 5.
In other 1925 Moriah news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
- “After what is said to have been one of the hardest winters on record, from an industrial standpoint, things are at last brightening up at Mineville,” The Glens Falls Times reported on Feb. 20. “Recently Mill No. Five of the Witherbee, Sherman Company resumed operation, thus giving a number of men employment. The mill is turning out five hundred tons of ore a day. Operation of the main line of the Lake Champlain and Moriah Railroad has been resumed. The line has been shut down since last May.”
- “The chamber of commerce or Port Henry is sponsoring a movement for a municipal skating rink to be located on the circus lot. The rink will cover two acres,” the Ticonderoga Sentinel reported on Jan. 15.
- Marjorie Spring won the first prize of $5, the equivalent of $90.14 in 2025 dollars, in a student contest to write a marketing slogan for Port Henry, the Sentinel reported on March 5.
The winning slogan was “Port Henry — Where You Look and Linger.”
Mary Gregory was runner up, with the slogan “Port Henry — Where Mountain and Lake Meet,” The Glens Falls Times reported on March 3.
- “The town clock at Port Henry is to be repaired. The hands on the south face have not been working for two years and residents took the matter up with the Village Board,” the Sentinel reported on Feb. 5.
- “Work on two new buildings in the village of Port Henry will start as soon as weather conditions will permit,” the Sentinel reported on Feb. 19. “One of the buildings will replace the Sagan & Koble building that was destroyed by fire a few months ago. The other will be erected on the main street between the Flint and Brooks blocks. Charles Malone, the well-known Port Henry contractor, has the contract for putting up both buildings.”