19th century Crown Point — Gen. Hammond’s butter
2 min readJun 17, 2024
You could bet it was butter.
“General Hammond exhibits some specimens of beautiful butter, as handsome of golden yellow as any midsummer dairy ever produced,” the Crown Point correspondent reported in the Ticonderoga Sentinel on Feb. 7, 1879. “No artificial coloring was used, and it was made during the month of January from two half and two full blood Jerseys from the General’s herd.”
In other 19th century Crown Point news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
- “Miss Lowell’s work in the school at Crown Point promises good and lasting results,” the Ticonderoga Sentinel reported on April 11, 1879. “The rules she gives for good reading, as well as the exercises in vocal physiology, are admirably calculated to assist the pupil in future elocution efforts. … Her teaching is simple, practical, and comprehensive.”
- “McCormick, our merchant tailor, is making an immense quantity of clothes for the people of Hammondville. Twelve suits were sent to that village one day last week,” the Ticonderoga Sentinel reported on Feb. 28, 1879.
- “The strike at the furnaces subsided on Mr. Inman’s promise of as good wages as paid elsewhere,” the Crown Point Center correspondent reported in the Ticonderoga Sentinel on Feb. 28, 1879.
- “Messrs. Agnew & Savage, formerly of Beekmantown, Clinton County, have leased Fred Bushnell’s new and spacious store for a term of years, and will run a first-class sheet iron and stove store in connection with the manufacturer of tin ware, with which they will put peddlers on the road,” the Crown Point correspondent reported in the Ticonderoga Sentinel on Feb. 7, 1879.
- “The way is very scarce of notes this week, except that the doctors’ horses are kept jogging pretty lively — sudden colds, coughs and sore throats being the prevalent ailments,” the Ticonderoga Sentinel reported on Feb. 14, 1879.
- “The old White Church is to be rebuilt as a Union meeting house next summer,” the Crown Point correspondent reported in the Ticonderoga Sentinel on Feb. 21, 1879.
- “The Ironville store is being enlarged and improved inside,” the Crown Point Center correspondent reported in the Ticonderoga Sentinel on March 28, 1879.
- “The new Catholic church at Hammondville is approaching completion and will be ready for occupancy about the last of May, without a dollar’s incumbrance,” the Crown Point correspondent reported in the Ticonderoga Sentinel on April 11, 1879.
- “A. L. Inman has recently purchased a very nice piano. Also, one passed through this place for Capt. A. McDonald at Hammondville,” the Crown Point correspondent reported in the Ticonderoga Sentinel on April 14, 1879.
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