19th century Crown Point — Typhoid Fever
Typhoid fever was a concern at Crown Point.
“Ed. H. Viall, son of A.S. Viall, is very low with typhoid fever. At present there is but little hopes of his recovery,” the Crown Point correspondent reported in the Ticonderoga Sentinel on Oct. 20, 1876. “P.S. Russell, captain of the steamer Effingham, died Thursday of typhoid fever. Captain Russell was formerly a citizen of Crown Point. Miss Mary Carrier is quite sick.”
In other 19th century Crown Point news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
- “Colonel LeGrand B. Cannon of Burlington, Vt., has purchased 350 acres of land at Crown Point, including Fort Frederick,” The Morning Star of Glens Falls reported on Sept. 27, 1894. “Colonel Canon intends on beautifying the grounds and improving the advantages for landing excursion parties who may find it to their interest as well as pleasure to visit this historic place on the banks of Lake Champlain.”
The Crown Point Iron Company was the previous owner, The Granville Sentinel reported on Oct. 5, 1894.
- “The Owen Brothers of Fort Ann are creating a large store on a lot purchased of Mr. Benjamin Breed. The upper part of it is to be finished for a Masonic Hall,” the Crown Point correspondent reported in the Ticonderoga Sentinel on Oct. 20, 1876.
- “Mr. O. C. Pond is soon to assume the management of the Depot Restaurant, now occupied by W. O. McDevnott,” the Crown Point correspondent reported in the Ticonderoga Sentinel on Oct. 20, 1876.
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