19th century Fort Edward: Economic development in 1893
Economic development was percolating at Fort Edward despite a national depression.
“The grist mill connected with the Milliman mill is now running on full time and doing a thriving business,” the Fort Edward correspondent reported in The Morning Star of Glens Falls on Dec. 2, 1893. “We have been without an industry of this kind for some time. Mr. Dupy is a thoroughly reliable man and is sure to be popular with the farmers.”
It was not the only development.
“The sawmill is to be started in a few days, and in the near future a well-stocked lumber yard will be added to the industry. Let the good work proceed.”
In other 19th century Fort Edward news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
A good time was expected in Fort Edward that evening.
- “The corn festival under the auspices of the Baptist Sunday School at the opera house this evening promises to be a very successful affair,” the Fort Edward correspondent to The Morning Star reported on Dec. 2, 1890. “An orchestra composed of musicians from Sandy Hill, Glens Falls and this place will furnish music. A pleasing stage program has also been announced for this occasion.”
- “A phonograph in Hotel Hudson is attracting considerable attention, and the owner of it reaps quite a harvest of nickels,” the Fort Edward correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Aug. 19, 1893.
- “A dramatic club shall be organized here. We have some good talent,” the Fort Edward correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Oct. 5, 1893.
- A football team was being organized at Fort Edward, The Morning Star reported on Oct. 26, 1893.
- “The ‘Jolly Sixteen’ whist (card game) club, a new organization, will hold their first meeting of the season at the home of Mary Hubbell,” the Fort Edward correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Nov. 10, 1893.
- Walter Curtis announced the opening of a dance academy at the Bradley Opera House in Fort Edward, The Morning Star reported on Oct. 11, 1893.
“All the new dances by the American Society of Professors of Dance will be taught.”
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