19th Century Fort Edward: New schoolhouse in 1894
The controversy was over once people witnessed the results.
“Even those who opposed the building of a new schoolhouse and who had been inclined to find fault all along, now admit that we have a model structure that is a great credit to our now thriving town,” the Fort Edward correspondent reported in The Morning Star of Glens Falls on Feb. 12, 1894.
In other 19th century Fort Edward news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
Mirror, mirror on the wall — who is the fairest teacher of them all?
It was decided to let the crowd at the fire company fair decide.
“Eleven young women schoolteachers have entered a contest for a handsome, plush chair to be awarded to the most popular teacher at the Durkee Hose fair.” The Morning Star of Glens Falls reported on Jan. 20, 1894.
- The highly publicized international boxing match in January 1894 between world heavyweight champion James J. “Gentleman Jim” Corbett of the United States and Charles Mitchell of England sparked amateur interest in the sport at Fort Edward.
“The blacksmith shop is the scene of some lively bouts since the Corbett and Mitchell match,” the Fort Edward correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Feb. 1q2, 1894. “Ed furnishes the gloves and ring and enjoys the fun immensely.”
- “On motion of (the Fort Edward Village Board), it was voted to purchase two watering troughs, one to be located on Lower Boulevard and one the island,” The Morning Star reported on June 25, 1894.
- “An improved Edison phonograph in front of Graham’s restaurant last evening attracted quite an audience,” the Fort Edward correspondent reported in The Morning Star on July 11, 1894.
- “Free coffee is being served at C.W. Bowtell’s. The coffee is made in the celebrated Geyser pot,” the Fort Edward correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Sept. 12, 1894.
- “Do not forget the sale (for charity) of ice cream, cake and clam chowder tomorrow evening at the home of Mrs. Dr. Linindoll. All are invited,” the Fort Edward correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Sept. 18, 1894.
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