19th century Johnsburg — Honorary mayor
The term “mayor” most likely was a honorary title recognizing his economic development influence in the hamlet.
“William H. Baker, mayor of North Creek, was in town yesterday on business,” The Morning Star of Glens Falls reported on March 26, 1895. “He has made improvements recently in his shingle mill, sawmill and broom handle shop, and is currently prepared for the output and shipment of goods, a spur having been laid to his mills from the Adirondack Railroad.”
In other 19th century Johnsburg news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
- “Last week it was the fire and this week the flood, and North Creek has suffered by the raging elements to the tune of $10,000 or $12,000 (the equivalent of $371,824 to $446,188 in 2024 dollars), quite enough to discourage a thriving little town like ours,” the North Creek correspondent reported in The Morning Star on April 13, 1895. “The burning of the furniture shop of Swan Brothers and Frank Waldron’s wagon shop was reported. … Just as people were getting settled after the fire the thaw and rain commenced and North Creek presents a miniature Johnstown, especially around the depot.”
- “During the recent flood and ice gorge at North Creek, a barn owned by the Adirondack Stage Company was forced from its foundation and carried to the twin-table of the Adirondack Railroad,” The Morning Star reported on April 13, 1895. “Owing to the obstruction, the locomotives of the Adirondack Railroad cannot be turned at North Creek, and are obliged to backward to Corinth, where they are turned.”
- “A good time was reported by those who attended the dance last evening by Mr. and Mrs. George Roblee at Hooper’s Lodge,” the North River correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Feb. 16, 1895.
- “George Straight of North Creek, who has been a guest at the Collins House (in Glens Falls) for several days, went to Saratoga Saturday and purchased of I. A. Jenkins of that place a pair of heavy work horses and a handsome road team. They will be taken to North Creek today by Edward Barber,” The Morning Star reported on March 2, 1895.
- “Miss Emma Martin intends to start for Glens Falls on Saturday to learn the dressmaker’s trade,” the Riparius correspondent reported in The Morning Star on March 23, 1894.
- “The electors of Johnsburg have voted not to pay any bounty on bears killed in the town in the ensuing year,” The Morning Star reported on April 11, 1895.
- “Miss Bertha Drury received today her writing desk from Larkin soap manufacturing at Buffalo as a premium. It is a very pretty and useful article,” the Riparius correspondent reported in The Morning Star on April 20, 1895.
- “F. C. Hopper has put a new crusher in his garnet mine,” the North River correspondent reported in The Morning Star on April 20, 1895. “The bridge across Thirteenth Brook, which was carried away by the recent freshet, has been rebuilt and can now be crossed safely.”
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