19th century music history — Master violinist in Adirondacks

Maury Thompson
2 min readNov 15, 2024


Edouard Remenyi had been solo violinist to British Queen Victoria and Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph before immigrating to the United States.

He had studied with Franz Liszt and was a teenage friend of Johannes Brahms.

In 1880, the master violinist visited the Adirondacks.

“Edouard Remenyi, the world-renowned violinist, assisted by Mme. Maria Salvatti, soprano, and H. A. Beale, accompanist, are to give a concert in the Methodist Church in in this village this evening,” the Elizabethtown Post & Gazette reported on Aug. 5. “It is rare, indeed, that such a celebrated artist as Remenyi can be heard outside of the large cities.”

In other 19th century music history news collected from historic newspapers of the region:


  • “Mr. Wm. H. Ryan, former teacher and leader of our village Band, after an absence of some weeks, has returned,” the Salem correspondent reported in The Fort Edward Ledger on Feb. 1. “Mr. R. intends remaining here for a few months and will give instruction on the piano to a limited number of pupils during his stay.”


  • “Miss Nellie Cotton of Moriah has organized a piano and organ class of 25 (at Schroon Lake), resides at Rev. G. F. Dickinson’s and is organist for the Congregational Church,” the Schroon Lake correspondent reported in the Elizabethtown Post & Gazette reported on July 24.


  • The Welsh Presbyterian Church purchased a new Smith American organ, The Granville Sentinel reported on Feb. 27.

“The old organ has been placed in the basement for services which are held there.”

Smith American Organ Company, established at Boston in 1851, manufactured high end parlor organs and melodions, according to Antique Piano Shop, an online piano and organ history website.

In the 1880s, the company diversified and focused on pianos.


  • “A. B. Noxon has presented his daughter with an elegant upright piano,” The Granville Sentinel reported on Aug. 23.
  • “The piano recital to be given at (Y.M.C.A.) Ordway Hall by Miss Gale Saturday evening will be fully appreciated by all those who were so fortunate as to hear her remarkable playing a year ago at the Rockwell House for the benefit of the Presbyterian mission work,” The Morning Star reported on Sept. 5. “Miss Gale has lately returned from Vienna, Austria, where she studied two years with (Theador) Leschetizky, the teacher of (Ignacy Jan) Paderewski, from whom she has a fine testimonial letter.”
  • “The Juvenile Cornet Band will accompany the delegation from Glens Falls to the Republican State Convention in Saratoga next Tuesday,” The Morning Star reported on Sept. 14. “They will make a street parade and give a concert in Saratoga. This is quite a compliment for these youthful musicians, but it is well deserved.”

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Maury Thompson
Maury Thompson

Written by Maury Thompson

Freelance history writer and documentary film producer from Ticonderoga, NY

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