19th century pulp and paper — Big Contract
The Glens Falls Paper Box Company was installing additional equipment and hiring more employees after securing a big multi-year contract.
“The Glens Falls Paper Box Company has secured a contract from a manufacturer at Holyoke, Mass., calling for 50,000 boxes per week for a period of four years. Those boxes are to be used for the packaging of government envelopes,” The Morning Star of Glens Falls reported on Sept. 10, 1894. “Six hundred tons of cardboard will be used annually in the manufacture of the boxes.”
In other 19th century pulp and paper industry news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
- “Hon. J. W. Finch of New York and Glens Falls, with Mrs. Finch, registered at the Leland House (at Schroon Lake) Tuesday,” The Morning Star reported on Aug. 23, 1894. “They were on their return to Glens Falls after a drive through the Adirondacks inspecting the vast lumber interests of Finch, Pruyn & Co. Mr. Finch is much pleased with the manner in which his business is being conducted.”
- “Boat load after boat load of pulpwood from Canada is being received daily be the paper mill company,” the Fort Edward correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Aug. 23, 1894.
- “Large quantities of stone are being carted to the paper mill for the foundation of a new building,” the Fort Edward correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Aug. 24, 1894.
- “Chauncey Kilmer has sold his paper mills and cottages at Rock City Falls, Saratoga County, to Mr. Howard of New York, who will take possession October 1. Mr. Kilmer, who resides in New York City, retains his beautiful summer home at Rock City Falls,” The Morning Star reported Sept. 10, 1894.
- “The paper mills are making very heavy shipments at present,” the South Glens Falls correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Nov. 14, 1894. “Three teams belonging to Finch & Clark of Sandy Hill are assisting in trucking to and from the railroad depot.”
- “Dix Foundry Company of Glens Falls has closed a contract to supply machinery at a new pulp mill the Moose River Lumber Co. was building at McKeever, in Herkimer County,” The Morning Star reported on Nov. 27, 1894.
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