19th century Schroon Lake — 80 guests at Leland House
Hotels at Schroon Lake were filling up.
“The Leland House has eighty boarders,” the Schroon Lake correspondent reported in The Morning Star of Glens Falls on July 6, 1895.
New York City artist H. A. Thomas, with his wife and daughter, making their first visit to Schroon Lake, were among the guests.
No doubt, they would enjoy the musical entertainment.
“Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Whitby and two sons, Eustice and Richard, left Monday for Schroon Lake, where they will furnish music at the Leland House during the summer,” the Warrensburg correspondent reported.
“The cottagers at Paradox have nearly arrived. They are eight in number, which makes the local butchers and marketmen happy.”
The Watch Rock Hotel had 40 guests.
Taylor’s Hotel had nearly 100 guests.
“The Adirondack Inn has only six guests, but several are booked and will arrive immediately after the Fourth of July.”
In other 19th century Schroon Lake news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
- “Our hotels are having the most successful season for several years past, and if the arrivals continue with no abatement, they will all be filled,” the Schroon Lake reported in The Morning Star on July 27.
- “Ed Harrigan, the well-known actor of New York, who owns a beautiful summer residence on the shores of Schroon Lake, has very recently returned from his European visit with family and several friends, together with his troupe, occupying his summer home and will remain through the summer,” the Schroon Lake correspondent reported.
- “Arthur Bigelow of Port Henry has pitched his tent again and is doing thriving business. The gentleman has been here for several seasons and is well known by many of School Lake visitors.”
- “The steam mill of F. Tyrell is doing a thriving biz,” the Elizabethtown Post & Gazette reported on March 50.
- “P. Pitkin has raised the D. C. Bailey store, put in new sills and walls, and doubled the capacity of the basement,” the Schroon Lake correspondent reported in the Elizabethtown Post & Gazette on June 26.
- “The new Taylor House and cottages at Lake View Point are now open. Twenty-five guests are expected here by the 27th, several having arrived already,” the Post & Gazette reported on June 26.
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