19th century Ti — ‘Great expectations’ of economic development — and Winter
This is the latest in an occasional series of posts about news reported in 19th century weekly issues of the Ticonderoga Sentinel.
Editor Tobin preached the gospel of economic development.
“We often hear people speak of Ticonderoga as a town destined to be one of manufacturing importance, spoken of with ‘great expectations,’ and they will say, ‘Look at our water power, there is a good time coming,’” the Ticonderoga Sentinel editorialized on Oct. 24, 1874. “It would be for our interest to invite capitalists to locate here, instead of turning a cold shoulder to all interests that would prove a blessing and the making of the place. The factory and the workshop are what is needed just now.”
In a separate editorial, Tobin mused about the change of seasons.
“Autumn is with us again. As we look out upon the grand old hills surrounding our little village, we are greeted with the many tinted foliage peculiar to the autumn season of our frosty northern clime,” he wrote.
“Just now the brilliant and beautifully blended coloring is suggestive only of brightness and joy,” he continued. “But November, with its still more severe frosts and cheerless winds will change our beautiful bright leaves to a dull brown, and whirling in our pathway they will rustle as we pass.”
Tobin said the coming Winter should be celebrated, not feared.
“But let us meet old Winter, bravely determined to enjoy all that is enjoyable about him, and that is not little. Our own bright Autumn has the palm. Let us carry its brightness far into Winter.”
Fall foliage was not the only sign of the changing of seasons.
“Now that the long evenings are with us, checker boards and backgammon are being patronized.”
At one local business: “The musical sizzle of the soda fountain can no longer be heard at Weed & Flemings this season. Choice cigars now have the boards.”
In other Oct. 24, 1874 Ticonderoga Sentinel news:
- Progress was evident at Crown Point.
“The new school house is up and covered, and proves to be a handsome structure to the place. It is 30 x 60, two stories high with a belfry. The upper floor will be used as a hall.”
R.S. McAuley was building a “first-class horse barn” near Trinkle’s store.
- General Adams of Ticonderoga had already pressed 50 barrels of apple cider, so far in the season, selling at from $5 to $6 per barrel — the equivalent of from $120 to $144 in 2021 dollars.
“Young Baldwin” was managing the cider mill at Crown Point.
- Harrison Rich dug 108 red potatoes out of one hill.
Editorial wit:
- “As a white garment appears worse when a little soiled than does a colored one, so does a small fault in a good man attract more attention that a great offense in a bad man.”
- “‘William,’ said one Quaker to another, ‘thee knows I never call anybody names. But William, if the Governor of the State should come to me and say, ‘Joshua, I want thee to find me the biggest liar in the state of New York,’ I would come to thee and say, ‘William, the Governor wants to see you,’’”
Click here to read the most recent previous post in this series.