19th century Ti — Strawberry socials and picnics

Maury Thompson
2 min readNov 10, 2020


This is the latest in an occasional series of posts about news reported in 19th century weekly issues of the Ticonderoga Sentinel.

“Strawberries and cream are now in order,” the Ticonderoga Sentinel reported on June 27, 1874. “Excursions and picnics are now on the program.”

Ladies of the Baptist Church raised about $80 — the equivalent of $1,820 in 2020 dollars — at a festival at Field’s Hall on June 24.

“The ladies served ice cream and deliscious strawberries in a pleasing way.”

Strawberries were on the menu at the Roman Catholic picnic at Black Point on June 20.

Charles Starks won the $2 prize for first place in the foot race.

John McDonald came in second, and William O’Neill third.

The picnic raised $85 — the equivalent of $1,940 in 2020 dollars.

Ticonderoga beer and soft drink sellers were doing a robust early summer business, and gardeners were boasting that peas were in blossom.

“The warm weather is sending the thirsty to Weed and Fleming’s soda fountain,” which was storing its riches in a new one-ton, fire proof safe.

In other June 27, 1874 Ticonderoga Sentinel news:

Owners of the Central House repainted the building’s exterior.

Railroad tracks were laid over the trestle at the mouth of Ti Creek, and the first locomotive passed through the new rail road tunnel.

Editors longed for an enlightened era in politics.

“The time is also coming when qualifications will be considered before party, qualifications before locality, qualifications first and always, by the majority,” an editorial mused.

Politics then sounds a lot like politics now.

“There are several things which are very disgusting about the present American system of politics. Party spirit is carried too far; local jealousy is carried too far,” the editorial chided. “Today we find two great American parties fighting over the same principles which divided them ten years ago and the principles have been settled forever. Why continue the combat? There are living issues, but the parties do not divide upon them.”

And an optimistic thought about opportunity: “It is not rank, nor birth, nor style, but the ‘get up and go’ that makes man great.”

The editors announced they would be taking a week off from publication to relax and celebrate Independence Day.

Click here to read the most recent previous post in this series.



Maury Thompson

Freelance history writer and documentary film producer from Ticonderoga, NY