19th century up-county — Ice boating on Brant Lake
Brant Lake residents developed a new appreciation for winter winds, so long as the winds were not too strong.
“Brant Lake, in the town of Horicon, has, for some years, been growing in popularity as a summer resort, and now a step has been taken toward having a lively time on the surface in the winter,” The Morning Star of Glens Falls reported on Jan. 9,1889. “An ice boat has been built, and placed upon it, by B.J. Holland. It is quite likely that other boats of the same kind will soon be fitted out, as Mr. Holland’s craft is said to be a success, with a good wind, as regards for traveling.”
In other 19th century northern Warren County news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
- Warrensburg residents held a special election on March 6, 1888 to decide whether to establish a central school.
“With the closing of the polls, it was determined that the old town was decidedly in favor of a better education for its children,” The Morning Star reported the next day.
The referendum passed by a vote of 180 to 74.
“Warrensburg may well feel proud of the result of yesterday’s meeting.”
- In the ‘I wish there was a photo of this’ category, on March 13, The Morning Star reported that John E. Alden of Lake George received a patent for his design of a combined table and sofa.
- L. Victor, a North Creek merchant, returned from a New York City buying trip with “a full line of spring goods” and news from the big city.
“He was in New York during the late blizzard and reports drifts ten feet high, but all gone now,” The Morning Star reported on April 20, 1888. “He also reports very dull times in the city, and he ventures an opinion that if the tariff bill becomes a law, business will be ruined.”
- Warren County boasted of the finest garnet in the land.
“The Star’s little geological cabinet has been supplied with a fine specimen of garnet from the mines of North Creek, for which we are indebted to William Moore, the superintendent, who is now at his home in this village. The North Creek garnet is said to be the best found anywhere,” The Morning Star reported on Jan. 9, 1889.