19the century Hague — Good fishing and tourism
Summerer 1894 was shaping up to be a good season for fishing and tourism.
“The fishing in Lake George in the vicinity of Hague is the best that has been known there in years,” The Morning Star reported on June 28, 1894.
“The summer boarders have begun to arrive. The Phoenix and the Rising House have twenty each, and the others nearby have nearly as many. They all predict a good season,” the Hague correspondent reported in The Morning Star on July 7, 1894.
The good season continued.
“Hotels and boarding houses are full. They cannot accommodate all that come and want rooms,” the Hugue correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Aug. 11.
In other 19th century Hague news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
- “J.H. Sellingham intends to have a meat market in one end of the Leach House. … Albert Dolbeck has moved into his new store,” the Hague correspondent reported in The Morning Star on June 2, 1894.
- “The graphite mill is turning out about 3,000 pounds of stock per day,” the Hague correspondent reported in The Morning Star on June 9, 1894. “Henry Clemons is fitting up his house for a hotel.”
The boom did not last.
“The mines are Graphite are still idle for lack of work,” the Hague correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Sept. 20, 1894.
- “The fair and sociable held on the sand beach in front of Dr. Bill’s office, planned by Mrs. Watrous and Mrs. Caldwell for the benefit of Rev. Joseph Dunn, proved to be very enjoyable and satisfactory to all present,” the Hague correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Aug. 11, 1894. “About 200 city guests were present, besides many local people.”
- “The picnic held in the grove near the red schoolhouse yesterday for the benefit of the (Baptist) Sunday School Scholars was a success. Judging from the happy faces of the children, they enjoyed the ice cream, lemonade, peanuts and popcorn, and the older ones seemed to enjoy the rich viands from the loaded table equally as well,” the Hague correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Sept. 1, 1894.
- “Deer seem to be quite plentiful in this vicinity this season. Several have been killed thus far,” the Hague correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Sept. 20. 1894.
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