B.B. Fowler — ‘Investment’ opportunity
The B.B. Fowler dry goods store in downtown Glens Falls was a destination retailer in the 19th century.
Fowler was a cross between philosopher/poet and All-American pitch man in a July 2, 1886 Granville Sentinel ad aimed at attracting shoppers from Washington County.
“Oh fortune, thou fickle goddess, how often is misfortune attributed to thy frown, which is but the result of wasted opportunities?” he mused. “Thus the man who has offered him gold dollars at seventy-five cents and waits for further depreciation to purchase should not blame fortune for his pigheadedness. He has simply wasted his opportunity.”
Don’t think of the upcoming “Great Slaughter Sale,” with quality merchandise discounted 21 percent or more, as shopping, but as an opportunity for investment, Fowler suggested.
“This may be far too important a sale to be casually noticed. This may be your opportunity, my friend, to make a paying investment. It won’t cost you anything to get the details.”
Click here to read the most recent previous B.B. Fowler history post.