Century-old Ti — Hospital expansion plans approved
This is the latest in a series of posts about news reported a century ago in the Ticonderoga Sentinel.
The Moses Hospital building committee on Dec. 4, 1920 approved plans that architect Max H. Westhoff of Springfield, Vt., prepared for a hospital expansion project.
“A picture of the hospital, as it will appear after enlargement, done in colors, has been displayed in the Stevens & Weed Co. store window, and the building’s pleasing appearance and graceful design has provided much admiration and favorable comment,” the Ticonderoga Sentinel reported on Dec. 9, 1920. “The capacity of the hospital, as now planned, will be from 30 to 35 beds.”
Work was expected to begin in the spring, contingent on fund raising.
Philanthropist Horace Moses had agreed to match other contributions dollar-for-dollar up to $50,000 — for a total of $100,000.
“The responses, the solicitors report, to the appeals for contributions has been most gratifying and have reached a total that leaves little or no doubt that the fifty thousand dollars will be raised.”
In other Dec. 9, 1920 Ticonderoga Sentinel news:
The Ticonderoga High School basketball team on Dec. 3 defeated Essex 51–7 at Ticonderoga.
The four children and seven grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. James Hingston visited for a surprise family reunion.
“Cards were played, a dainty supper served, and all reported a pleasant time.”
Iva LaRoe won a bottle of toilet water and Jarvis Lantaigne a neck tie at the Knights of Columbus card party on Dec. 7.
Lyman Palmer won “a very handsome vase” as first prize in whist t the gathering on Dec. 2 of the South Ti Social Club.
“This get together club has meant so much to the farmers and their families these long winter evenings.”
The Crown Point Culture Club met Dec. 1 at the home of Mrs. Fred Slight.
Click here to read the most recent previous post in the series.