Century-old Ti — Milk wagon crash
It’s been said, “There’s no use crying over spilled milk.”
But when a whole milk wagon topples, it’s a matter of concern.
“Johnson Brothers’ milk wagon was smashed up Tuesday morning when the team, driven by Fred Johnson, became frightened by the train near Dr. Dowd’s and ran away,” the Ticonderoga Sentinel reported on May 31, 1923. “They ran up around Second Street and broke away from the wagon in front of Gordon Myott’s.”
There was significant damage.
“The wagon was badly damaged, 200 milk bottles broken, and the entire load of milk and cream was lost.”
In other May 31, 1923 Ticonderoga Sentinel news:
New fire truck: “The new triple combination fire truck from Ticonderoga gave a demonstration at Streetroad Monday evening. We feel that our town is fortunate in having such an up-to-date engine.”
Baseball: The Ticonderoga High School baseball team defeated Port Henry 20–4.
“Port Henry used three pitchers in trying to stay the onslaught of the Ti sluggers. Tefft was in the box for Ticonderoga with McNutt catching.”
In another game, Whitehall defeated Ti 5–3.
“From the very first our boys showed the fighting spirit and would not admit they were beaten until the game closed.”
Humanitarian aid: “Ticonderoga, as always in cases of distress, answered in a most liberal manner the appeal for clothing for the Near East sufferers. There were 800 pounds of clothing in the shipment.”
Hague: A dance at Smith Sexton’s raised $100 — the equivalent of $1,784 in 2023 dollars — toward construction of a new Roman Catholic church at Hague.
New car: “James Harper (of Crown Point) is driving a new Chevrolet sedan.”
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