Century-old Ti — ‘Real Baseball’
Francis Montbriand struck out 22 of 27 batters as the Ticonderoga High School baseball team defeated Mineville 8–2.
“Last Saturday the Ticonderoga boys displayed what real baseball they have in them,” the Ticonderoga Sentinel reported on May 10, 1923.
“The Miners put up a plunky fight from the start, but with Francis Montbriand on the mound, they had not a ghost of a show against his onslaught. … His tireless energy and terrific speed seemed to put added terror behind the ball as it scorched over the plate. He made even the huskiest of Miners tremble.”
The Ticonderoga team also defeated Port Henry 10–6.
Next up on the schedule was Silver Bay Academy.
In other May 10, 1923 Ticonderoga Sentinel news:
New business — Dean Y. Delano and William J. Malaney were opening a clothing store at the Knights of Columbus building, in the space where the Rialto Theatre formerly operated.
“They will carry a large line of men’s clothing, furnishings and shoes. Their stock and store fixtures have been ordered and they hope to open for business about the middle of June.”
Keeping up with the time — “Taxpayers of Port Henry will vote on a proposition to have Daylight Savings Time. Mineville, in the same town, has Daylight Savings Time there, which has caused confision and inconvenience.”
Boxer — Newly retired heavyweight boxer Bill Brennan passed through Ticonderoga on his way to vacation at Lake Placid and other Adirondack communities.
No parking — “Lovers who have been in the habit of parking their cars beside state highways when out on starry evenings, because they cannot drive and spoon at the same time, are in hard luck, a new law having been passed which makes it a misdemeanor to park a motor vheicle or leave it unattended within eight feet of any pavement maintained by the state.”
Weather: “Residents of the interior of the Adirondacks awoke this morning to find the ground white with a late fall of snow and the thermometer registering below the freezing point.”
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