Century-old Ti — Sleighing fun
“More snow and more coming,” the Ticonderoga Sentinel reported on Feb. 15, 1923.
Oh, what fun it must have been!
“A party of about 40 people from Street Road enjoyed a sleigh ride and social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ladd of Orwell last Tuesday evening. Frank Swinton and Ralph Swinton each took a load.”
Sleighing generally was good on the back roads.
“The sleighing is very good, though the state road is becoming bare and free from good sleighing in many places,” the Crown Point correspondent reported.
Ice harvesting was the activity of choice at Graphite, a hamlet in Hague.
“Zera Frasier, Fred Bolton and the American Graphite Co. are filling their ice houses from Sweede Pond. John McKee filled his from there last week, and he said it (ice on the pond) was twenty-four inches thick.”
At South Ticonderoga: “Owning to the heavy fall of snow and the severe weather it has been decided to have no meetings at the chapel until March.”
In other Feb. 15, 1923 Ticonderoga Sentinel news:
- Boxing: “George Armstrong (of Chilson) went to Ironville recently for a friendly boxing bout, and, we are glad to say, came out the victor.”
- Politics: State Sen. Mortimer Ferris, R-Ticonderoga, and Assemblyman F.L. Porter, R-Crown Point, introduced legislation to increase the legal length from six to seven inches for fishermen to keep trout they catch.
“A similar bill was introduced last year, but nothing came of it, and it is probable that this one has a like fate for it.”
Porter was among the first area residents to have a radio installed at his home.
- New bleachers: “Bleacher seats that have been installed in the Central School gymnasium will find favor with basketball fans, for with this seating arrangements they may watch future games with comfort and without crowding.”
- Basketball: The “All Collegians” basketball team from Ticonderoga defeated Silver Bay 19–15.
- Hospital: The Moses Ludington Hospital Auxiliary donated to the hospital six kitchen towels, six wash clothes and six regular towels.
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