City Series mud fest in 1972
“We’ll play on East Field if we have to wear snorkels,” St. Mary’s Academy football coach Joe Girard assured fifty years ago.
The Post-Star suggested that a 4-wheel drive all terrain vehicle might be a better metaphor for field condition, after days of rain, at the annual game between St. Mary’s and Glens Falls High School.
“It’s that time of year again. The City Series is upon us,” The Post-Star reported on Nov. 4, 1972. “This match goes back 39 years and is one of the oldest in New York high school football.”
Field conditions were expected to be a distinguishing factor in the game at 1 p.m. that day.
“One of the biggest factors of this year’s game will be weather conditions. … “East Field is a quagmire of mud and it will be a pass defender’s nightmare.”
The outcome of the traditional rivalry was always unpredictable, regardless of either team’s season record.
“Regardless of who wins the City Series, the game always has a way of bringing out the best in the participating players from both schools.”
About 1,500 people turned out to watch the game, The Post-Star reported on November 6.
As predicted, mud was a factor in the game that Glens Falls won 10–0.
“The Kerries never really threatened to score, getting only to their own 46 in the first half and to the Glens Falls 24 in the fourth quarter, when they recovered an Indian fumble,” The Post-Star reported.
Steven Kvinlaug kicked a 28-yard field goal for Glens Falls in the first quarter.
Willie Steans ran 62 yards for a Glens Falls touch down in the third quarter.
“Glens Falls got fine performances from (Jim) Town, Jim Duggan, Tom Philion and Doug Beaty up front, while St. Mary’s got defensive work from Tom Harvey, Rich Ogden, Kenneth Ryan, (Joe) Pozzuoli, and Gary Marzola.”
Glens Falls improved its City Series record to 27 wins.
St. Mary’s had won seven times, and there had been five ties.
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