Combined families — Workforce housing for women
This is the latest in an occasional series of posts about the daughters of Samuel Pruyn and their families that lived in the three houses that now are the campus of The Hyde Collection art museum in Glens Falls.
1920 was a year of expansion for the garment industry in Glens Falls.
The Clark Brothers silk glove factory opened on Hudson Avenue.
The Fulton Shirt Company was formed to take over the Glens Falls plants of the B.B. Waist Co., Lafayette Shirt Co. and Hamilton Trading Co.
The four-year-old Max Kurzrok Co., which already had plants in Glens Falls, Hudson Falls and Fort Edward, purchased the Heffron and Collins plant at the Crandall Building in Glens Falls.
The economic growth created a shortage of housing for working women.
To address the shortage, the Glens Falls Woman’s Club explored the feasibility of establishing a Young Woman’s Christian Association chapter at the former Glens Falls Academy building on Warren Street.
Charlotte Hyde was appointed to a committee to ascertain the cost of necessary repairs to the building and purchase of equipment, The Post-Star reported on Feb. 27, 1920.
In other Combined Families history news:
The Post-Star reported on March 9, 1920 that Maurice Hoopes was among members of the Glens Falls Y.M.C.A. business club that voted unanimously to endorse a referendum for the city of Glens Falls to contribute $3,000 a year for two years for maintenance and improvements of the new recreation facilities at Crandall Park.
The Post-Star reported on March 17, 1920 that Charlotte Hyde, Mary Hoopes and Nell Pruyn were among patronesses of a concert March 19 by vocalists Marie Loughney and J. Erwin Mutch.
“The recital … has created considerable interest among the music lovers of our city.”
The Post-Star reported on March 30, 1920 that Maurice Hoopes was in Henri River, Canada on Finch, Pruyn & Co. business.
The Post-Star reported on April 2, 1920 that Samuel Hoopes, son of Maurice and Mary Hoopes, was home for the Easter vacation from Hill School in Pottsdown, Pa.
Click here to read the most recent previous post in the series.