Downtown 1890 — Feast of Eggs’
The ladies of Church of the Messiah Episcopal were planning a “Feast of Eggs” at the home of Mrs. C. F. Everest on Notre Dame St. on Easter Monday evening, The Morning Star of Glens Falls reported on March 31.
“Eggs will be served boiled, fried, scrambled, deviled, in omelettes and many other styles.”
In other 1890 downtown Glens Falls news collected from The Morning Star:
- Howland Brothers cigar makers opened a new store at 186 Glen St. — March 29.
“Smoke celebrated Old Rip 5c cigar, the finest sold at Howland Brothers.”
- A representative of the Union Bicycle Co. visited Glens Falls to demonstrate his product and recruit a local dealer. — April 15.
“The wheelmen are taking an occasional spin on the road, and a number of them yesterday were putting their bikes in order.”
- Instead of Door Dash it was door trot.
“D.A. Peck & Co., grocers, have bought of Homer Nelson a handsome pair of iron gray horses, each weighing over 1,200 pounds. They will be used on a large truck.” — April 17.
- It is not clear whether these plants and flowers were for sale or show.
“One of the windows of McGarry Brothers’ Ridge Street Market, filled with potted plants presents a very attractive appearance. In the collection is a beautiful Easter lily in bloom. There are also hyacinths and narcissus plants.” — April 19
- The Boston Store offered “Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary” on sale for $1.98 — the equivalent of $65.09 in 2023 dollars. — April 24.
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