Downtown 1890 — Not just a circus
The anticipation was almost too much to contain.
“It’s four great trains are en route!” The Morning Star of Glens Falls reported on Aug. 28, 1890.
The Forepaugh Show, scheduled for the Sanford Street show grounds on Sept. 2, was more than just a circus.
It was a circus and Wild West show combined.
The street parade through downtown was scheduled for 10 a.m. the day of the show.
Glens Falls residents were excited as the show day drew near.
“Young America, who has been saving his pennies and anxiously awaiting the arrival of Forepaugh’s Circus, will be in the midst of his glory tomorrow,” The Morning Star reported on Sept. 1.
The traveling show, which filled 52 rail cars, did not disappoint.
“One of the best performances ever seen in Glens Falls,” The Morning Star reported on Sept. 3. “The streets were thronged with people from near and far who came to witness the parade, which is one of the greatest spectacles ever presented on our streets.”
In other 1890 downtown Glens Falls news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
- Glens Falls hotels were gaining distinction in the region.
“The Troy Press remarks enthusiastically that the Glens Falls hotels surpass those of that city,” The Morning Star of Glens Falls reported on Aug. 1, 1890. “Well, Troy is not the only large city to take a place second to this village in the matter of hotel accommodations.”
- “Mercury and prices seem to travel in opposite directions this week at G.F. Bayle & Co’s. His August prices are way down,” The Morning Star reported on Aug. 5.
- This canal boat was loaded with fun.
“A party of about thirty young people made an excursion through the Feeder to Sandy Hill and return last night on one of Finch & Pruyn’s lighters. During the trip dancing was indulged in on board,” The Morning Star reported on Aug. 15.
- “The Edison phonograph is on exhibition in the office of The Collins House (hotel in downtown Glens Falls) for a short season. Its music is marvelous, and should be heard to be appreciated,” The Morning Star reported on Aug. 18.
- Ridge Street grocer James C. Kelly was the exclusive Glens Falls seller of Ram Lai’s Pure India Tea, available in one-quarter, one-half- and one-pound bags, The Morning Star reported on Aug. 29
- The new Wheeleman Bicycle Club of the Glens Falls Y.M.C.A. was set to hold its first racing event Sept. 16.
Activities would begin with a Grand Parade of Wheelman leaving the Y.M.C.A. rooms on Warren Street at 1:30 p.m., The Morning Star reported on Sept. 13.
- This butcher shop seemed to be well stocked:
“Should anyone obtain a glimpse of the interior of Cruio’s ice box, he would think the Sunday dinners of all Glens Falls were hanging from the hooks, and he would think about right,” The Morning Star reported on Sept. 20.
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