Downtown 1894 — Runaway parrot

Maury Thompson
3 min readFeb 16, 2024


Why did the parrot cross the Hudson River?

We may never know, because, apparently, the pet bird was not talking.

“A reward of one dollar is offered for the return of a lost parrot to 115 Warren Street,” The Morning Star of Glens Falls reported on Oct. 30, 1894.

The bird was found in South Glens Falls.

“The parrot which escaped from its cage at the residence of Cornelius O’Leary, Warren Street, was having a high old time in the trees at the residence of Dr. White, South Glens Falls, last evening,” The Morning Star reported Oct. 31.

In other October 1894 downtown Glens Falls news collected from historic newspapers of the region:

  • The doctor wanted to be ready to make winter house calls.

“Dr. Martine is having a unique vehicle made from an original design at Cashion Brothers’ shop,” The Morning Star reported on Oct. 12, 1894. “It is a coupe body, entirely enclosed, with windows in the sides and front, and a narrow seat for the driver. It will be placed on bobsleds and will be used by the doctor in making his professional calls during the winter months.”

  • “Warren Street is making rapid strides in advance as a marketplace,” The Morning Star reported on Oct. 1.
  • “A much-needed improvement is the new plank walk being laid in front of Lapham & Parks steam grist mill, Ridge Street,” The Morning Star reported on Oct. 3.
  • Dolan Brothers pharmacies at 100 Glen St. in Glens Falls and 23 Main St. in South Glens Falls advertised in The Morning Star on Oct. 8 its offer of a free bottle of Otto’s Cure cough remedy for each customer.

“We know of its astonishing cures, and that it will stop a cough quicker than any known remedy.”

  • “A children’s festival will be held at A. Wurtenberg’s cloak room every day this week. A splendid line of ready-made garments will be shown,” The Morning Star reported on Oct. 15.
  • “The railroad yard in the vicinity of the freight house, which heretofore has been a sea of mud in wet weather, is being filled in with gravel to a depth of several inches,” The Morning Star reported on Oct. 18. “This improvement will be greatly appreciated by trackmen and others who have occasion to drive through the yard.”
  • “A new bluestone sidewalk will be laid in front of R.A. Little’s residence on Ridge Street and also in front of the Wilcox property, lately purchased by William McEchron,” The Morning Star reported on Oct. 22.
  • “Another delivery wagon has been added to the employment of the Glens Falls Coal Company, making four now in use,” The Morning Star reported on Oct. 25.
  • “Everett Harrison has constructed a new building … at 135 South Street where he will manufacture his unequaled mincemeat,” The Morning Star reported on Oct. 25.
  • “The hose wagon built by the Glens Falls Buckboard Company will be turned over to the fire department today. It is a very handsome vehicle, patterned after the hose wagons in Albany and other cities, but more tastefully designed,” The Morning Star reported on Oct. 30.

Click here to read the most recent previous downtown Glens Falls history post.



Maury Thompson

Freelance history writer and documentary film producer from Ticonderoga, NY