Downtown April 1895

Maury Thompson
4 min readMay 20, 2024


April flowers bring more shoppers — when incorporated into retail window displays.

“One of the prettiest displays in town is that of the show window of Harry E. Floyd, jeweler, corner of Warren and Ridge Street,” The Morning Star of Glens Falls reported on April 6, 1895. “Artistically arranged on a ground-work of sea-foam crepon is a dainty assortment of Easter novelties, many of them costly and of fine workmanship, while others, though pretty, are withing the reach of those of modest means. Take a look at the window.”

But getting there to see it might have been a chore.

“An extra force of men to keep the sidewalks clean would be greatly appreciated. The street funds could not be to better advantage.”

Live fish could be an attraction too.

“A dozen brook suckers swimming in a tank supplied with running water attracted general attention in front of Cooney Brothers’ Market, South Street, yesterday afternoon,” The Morning Star reported on April 26.

Other window displays attracted attention.

“Among the many attractive Easter windows is one at J. C. Kelly’s. The display includes an artistic arrangement of flowers, plants and fancy groceries,” The Morning Star reported on April 15. “One of the windows at Juvet’s jewelry store, filled with silverware and an ingeniously constructed Easter bell, attracted considerable interest Saturday.”

In other April 1895 downtown Glens Falls news collected from historic newspapers of the region:

  • “Sweet peas: Sow them now. Twenty-five pounds at Binley’s Store, 26 Ridge Street,” The Morning Star reported on April 4.
  • “The People’s Restaurant on Warren Street has been taken over by S. D. Brown, who will take possession today. The restaurant will be closed until about April 15 for the purpose of making extensive alterations and improvements,” The Morning Star reported on April 5.

“S. D. Brown is making The People’s Restaurant quite popular,” The Morning Star reported on April 20. “Thirty persons had dinner there yesterday. He will keep open until midnight and conduct a first-class establishment.”

A downtown dry goods and clothing retailer treated his employees at the new restaurant.

“The members of the Boston Store Company treated their employees to a sumptuous luncheon after their day’s work. It was served by the People’s Restaurant,” The Morning Star reported on April 22.

  • “Charles Dickinson, having decided to go into another business, offers his well-established livery stable for sale on favorable terms,” The Morning Star reported on April 5.
  • “One half of our mammoth store is devoted to hats. Our spring line is now ready for your inspection,” The Eagle Clothing Company advertised in The Morning Star on April 6.
  • “The spring meeting at Mrs. Mason’s millinery establishment, 125 Glen Street, is the principal topic of conversation among the ladies, and the display made is favorably commented upon,” The Morning Star reported on April 10.
  • “The steam road roller was hauled out of winter quarters yesterday and taken to Dix Foundry Company’s shop for repairs. It will be ready for service in a day or two,” The Morning Star reported on April 12.
  • “Doty, the grocer, has secured the sole agency in Glens Falls for Tenny’s fine confectionary,” The Morning Star reported on April 16.
  • Day & Simpson, of the Boston Shoe Store, have just received a lot of baseballs and will give one free with every pair of boy’s shoes,” The Morning Star reported on April 16.
  • “Mel Smith has returned from the city. He saw the Easter parade and noted the latest fads of fashion,” The Morning Star reported on April 17.
  • “A happy social dance was held in the new stable of F. H. Parks, Glen Street, last night. The building was prettily decorated with rugs and Japanese lanterns,” The Morning Star reported on April 17. “Sims furnished the music for the dancers, who thoroughly enjoyed the merry occasion. About thirty-five couples were present. Ice cream and cake were served.”
  • “The work of decorating the Rockwell House office and dining room was completed yesterday by W. A. Elkes and his fellow artists in the employ of Critenden & Cowles,” The Morning Star reported on April 20. “Landlord Rockwell has reason to be proud of his office and dining room, which are both in keeping with the high standard of the hotel.”
  • “P. F. Lahue, 18 Harlem Street, has embarked in the fruit and vegetable business. He has put a new and attractive cart on the road and will call at the homes of his patrons daily with a fresh and desirable stock,” The Morning Star reported on April 29.
  • “The law offices of Rayley & Kiley has been made attractive with handsome new wallpaper and a fresh coat of paint, and preserve a cozy appearance,” The Morning Star reported on April 25.
  • “John Kelly is tearing down the double tenement on Walnut Street and will put up a modern four-family house,” The Morning Star reported on April 25.
  • “Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Morgan entertained about forty of their friends at a masquerade party at their home on Uncas Street Wednesday evening. A pleasant time was enjoyed,” The Morning Star reported on April 26.
  • “The interior of Mel Smith’s tailoring establishment in the Times building is being made attractive by painters and paper hangers,” The Morning Star reported on April 26.
  • “A new awning, erected by William Metzger of Rutland, ornaments and shades the front of John Seagle’s fruit and confectionary store at 93 Glen Street,” The Morning Star reported on April 30.

Click here to read the most recent previous downtown Glens Falls history post.



Maury Thompson
Maury Thompson

Written by Maury Thompson

Freelance history writer and documentary film producer from Ticonderoga, NY

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