Downtown June 1895 — New hay market
The former long-time hay market on South Street was replaced by a new facility on Glen Street, bringing a new source of customers for a downtown Glens Falls hotel.
“The new hay market on the New Hall (Hotel) grounds, Glen Street, opens for business this morning, the scales having been placed in position and tested on Saturday,” The Morning Star of Glens Falls reported on June 8, 1895.
T. D. Sullivan, owner of the New Hall Hotel, offered those selling and buying hay “meals at the hotel and feed for horses at reasonable prices,” The Morning Star reported on June 10.
Re-establishing a designated hay market was intended to improve the character of downtown.
“Now that a public hay market has been finally established, the trustees propose to enforce the village ordinance prohibiting loads of hay and wood from standing on the business thoroughfare,” The Morning Star reported on June 12.
In other June 1895 downtown Glens Falls news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
- “A dancing platform and boat house will soon be erected at the picnic grounds on the bank of the river near the Jointa Lime works. A number of pleasure boats will be kept for the use of picnickers,” The Morning Star reported on June 27.
- The Glens Falls Village Board approved a permit for Dennis Beho of Schuylerville to operate a merry-go-round and panorama in downtown, at a fee of $10 per month, The Morning Star reported on June 11.
- “A big tank wagon, with a capacity of 650 gallons, arrived yesterday for the use of Standard Oil Company’s agency here. Attached to the wagon was a pair of gray horses weighing 3,000 pounds,” The Morning Star reported on June 27.
- “Morgan Sweeney will take possession of the barber shop at 117 Glen Street today,” The Morning Star reported on June 3.
- “A telephone has been placed in the residence of Daniel Sweet, 12 Sherman Avenue,” The Morning Star reported on June 7, 1895.
- “The interior of 21 Ridge Street has been thoroughly remodeled and will be open this morning by the Glens Falls Wine Company,” The Morning Star reported on June 8.
- “The interior of the City Hotel office and dining room are being made attractive with new paper and paint. Crittenden & Cowles are doing the work,” The Morning Star reported on June 11.
- “A new plate glass front is being placed in the Holden building, 21 Ridge Street,” The Morning Star reported on June 12.
- “John Delaney and Daniel E. Fitzgerald have leased the Wetherill building on West Street and will open a fruit and vegetable market there on Wednesday morning,” The Morning Star reported on June 17.
- “Walter J. Lapham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Lapham, was awarded first prize of Yale College for the best declaration,” The Morning Star reported on June 19.
- “The entertainment of the primary department of the Glens Falls Academy yesterday afternoon was charmingly produced by the little lads and misses. ‘Mother Goose’s Reception’ will be remembered as one of the most successful features of the commencement exercises,” The Morning Star reported on June 20.
- “Joseph Young, the South Street barber, had his shop newly painted and papered,” The Morning Star reported on June 27.
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