Downtown November 1894 — Unique window displays

Maury Thompson
2 min readMar 8, 2024


The bridge, made of soap, was coming down.

“The bridge of pure castile soap in The Boston Store company’s window will be sold today and tomorrow in blocks of two cakes for five cents.”
The Morning Star of Glens Falls reported on Nov. 9, 1894.

Elsewhere in downtown, here was a big fish on display.

“A flounder weighing 142 pounds is on exhibition in front of Mason Brothers Market on Glen Street,” The Morning Star reported on Nov. 23. “It was captured on the Barnegat shoals on the New Jersey coast a few days ago and was brought to New York (City), whence it was shipped here,”

In other November 1894 downtown Glens Falls news collected from historic newspapers of the region:

“George Goodson yesterday sold his racing mare Rosie to W. W. Brown, who has a horse that will match her. The two make a a stylish pair of roadsters,” The Morning Star reported on Nov. 1.

  • “Good goods, perfect fit, and low prices. These are what Simard the merchant tailor promises his patrons,” The Morning Star reported on Nov. 3.
  • “A crosswalk of heavy stone is being laid across the alley between The Star offices and Lapham & Parks’ mill,” The Morning Star reported on Nov. 13.
  • “The interior of Breen’s City Shoe Store is being improved. The space occupied by the desk room has been reduced, thus enlarging the salesroom,” The Morning Star reported on Nov. 13.
  • “Village Clerk C. F. King is up to the times. His office is now illuminated by three incandescent electric lights,” The Morning Star reported on Nov. 13.
  • “The members of Miss Whitman’s class, Ridge Street School, will hold their public exercises tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock,” The Morning Star reported on Nov. 26. “They invite all who are interested in the little folks to favor them with their presence.”
  • The Glen Pastry Company boasted of a record day.

“Our output was larger Saturday than any previous day since we began business, yet every merchant handling our goods was sold out early in the evening, with orders on their books for still more,” the wholesale bakery advertised in The Morning Star on Nov. 27. “Good goods and fair weight always come out on top.”

  • “Dick Wood of Potsdam, formerly of this place, will open the Glen Park Hotel, recently known as the Granger House, about January 1,” The Morning Star reported on Nov. 28. “He will also conduct a training stable. Mr. Wood has been very successful training trotting stock since opening a stable in Potsdam and will bring a good stock of horses with him.”
  • A. J. Binley read a paper entitled ‘Practical Flower Culture for Amateurs’ at the Lyceum the previous evening, The Morning Star reported on Nov. 28.

“It was a practical theme cleverly handled by a practical man, and much interest was manifested throughout its reading.”

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Maury Thompson
Maury Thompson

Written by Maury Thompson

Freelance history writer and documentary film producer from Ticonderoga, NY

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