Henry Crandall’s runaway carriage horses

Maury Thompson
1 min readSep 22, 2020

Henry Crandall was not at the reins when a team of his carriage horses “indulged in a lively runaway” in downtown Glens Falls at about 5 p.m. on May 25, 1884.

“The animals were being driven by Benjamin Beatty, an employee, and, while turning the corner of Maple Street, a blanket fell from the vehicle,” The Morning Star reported the next day. “The driver alighted for the purpose of securing the blanket when the team became frightened and started on a run down Maple Street.”

The team turned the corner onto Cottage Street and then on to Warren Street before colliding with a tree in front of the Jointa Lime Company’s barn.

“Several men who were in the barn at that time hurried and caught the frightened animals. With the exception of slight injuries to the carriage and harness, no damage was done.”

In other 1884 Henry Crandall news, the Grand Old Man of Glens Falls was construction a new commercial building on Glen Street, at the lot south of Smith & Quinlan’s store, The Morning Star reported on April 7, 1884.

The three-story building with a French roof was to have space for two stores and a number of offices, The Morning Star reported on May 3, 1884.

One of the storefronts was already leased to Bullard & Loomis, furniture dealers.

Click here to read the most recent previous Henry Crandall history post.



Maury Thompson

Freelance history writer and documentary film producer from Ticonderoga, NY