Joyce Bolster publicizes Tonsorial Quartet in 1973
Joyce Bolster and Joyce Moon were in charge of publicity for the Christ Church spring dinner program on May 11, 1973.
“The program is planned for the entire family and will begin with old-time singing by the Tonsorial Quartet: William Dibble, Robert Bolster (husband of Joyce), Keith Wong and Sparky Johnson,” The Post-Star reported.
The Essence Mime Theatre also entertained.
Joyce, who died July 23, was an active member of Christ Church for many years.
In 1973 she was chairwoman of the nominating committee for Christ Church United Methodist Women, and by 1977, or before, she was president of the organization.
Joyce and Robert donated music for the anthem “Once to Every Man and Nation” by David York, which Christ Church choir sang on Nov. 11, 1990 in honor of eleven family members that served in the military.
The couple was married for more than 50 years.
The First Methodist Church in Warrensburg was decorated with baskets of white flowers when Joyce and Robert were married at 1:30 p.m. May 18, 1958.
Martha Bolster, sister of the groom, sang, “I Love You Truly,” and “The Lord’s Prayer.”
“For her wedding trip to an undisclosed location, the bride chose a navy blue and white summer wool suit, a white tweed coat, a yellow straw hat and navy accessories,” The Post-Star reported.
Joyce was active in the community.
In 1970 she was neighborhood chairwoman for the American Heart Association fund drive.
She was a den mother for Cub Scout Pack 11 in 1972 and 1973.
She was President of Broad Street PTA in 1971.
On behalf of the PTA, she wrote Glens Falls Mayor Robert Cronin objecting to a proposal from the Food Market on Broad Street to rearrange the traffic signal system at the intersection of Broad Street and Hudson Avenue.
City officials agreed with Bolster’s suggestion that the proposal would create a safety hazard for students crossing Broad Street on their way to and from school.
(Sources: Post-Star archives reports)