Lake George off season — January 1895
Mother Nature created a reason for off-season day trips to Lake George.
“There is excellent skating on the ice on Lake George near the railway station. What could be more delightful than a drive to Caldwell and an afternoon of exhilarating, health-giving sport on ice,” The Morning Star of Glens Falls reported on Jan. 1, 1895.
“The Sunday School children of the Methodist Episcopal Church were given a sleigh ride to Lake George Friday night, and it goes without saying that they all had a good time,” the Warrensburg correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Jan. 19.
In other January 1895 Lake Goerge offseason news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
- Blasting for the new cable road at Caldwell could be heard as far away as West Mountain, the West Mountain correspondent reported in The Morning Star on Jan. 24.
- “The new steel steamer to be placed on Lake George next season by the Lake Champlain Transportation Company will be appreciated by those who love to tarry on the lake late in autumn,” The Morning Star reported on Jan. 26. “It is the intention of the steamboat company to run the new boat through the lake from Caldwell to Baldwin and return for some weeks after the large steamers have been withdrawn, and also run it as a line boat in spring previous to the time of placing the big steamers in commission. This will be a great accommodation to the traveling public and to residents of the lake on shores.”
- “The speeding track on the ice of Lake George was scraped yesterday and put in good condition,” The Morning Star reported on Jan. 29.
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