Lake George tourism — May 1895
Steamboat operators were hiring crews for the coming season in May 1895.
“The steamer Mohican, Lake George, recently purchased by the Lake George and Lake Champlain Transportation Company, has been taken to Baldwin dock for repairs,” The Morning Star of Glens Falls reported on May 11. “Wesley Finkle has been engaged as captain for the coming season, and C.G. Pringle, formerly steward on the steamer Horicon, as purser.”
James Rushlow was hired as steward on the steamer Horicon, which was to regular trips on May 27, The Morning Star reported on May 6.
“Captain Harris and the crew leave for Ticonderoga this morning to take possession of the steamer Horicon. She will be run to Caldwell on Saturday preparatory to making regular trips on Monday,” The Morning Star reported on May 25.
Arch Williams of Fort Ann was hired as first mate.
“He is a very attentive young man to his business.”
James Williams, brother of Arch, was a crewman.
In other May 1895 Lake George tourism news collected from historic newspapers of the region:
- Work on the new cable railway continued.
“Two open cars for the cable road were taken to Caldwell yesterday on a flatcar on the Lake George branch,” The Morning Star reported on May 15.
“The cars have arrived for the cable road on Mount Ferguson and are being put into proper position for use in that justly celebrated road,” The Morning Star reported on May 24. “They were attended into the village and to the foot of Mount Ferguson by the Lake George Cornet Band, which discoursed triumphant music and drew together half of Caldwell to do honor to the occasion.”
- The Fort William Henry hotel was set to open for the season June 29, The Morning Star reported on May 11.
“The house will be conducted under the management of H. P. C. Johnson, who for several years has been private secretary to William Noble, owner of the hotel.”
- The Sagamore Hotel was set to begin housing guests around June 1, in advance of a formal season opening on June 21.
- The Lake House was set to open June 1, but opening was delayed to June 8.
- “The Crosbyside Hotel will open for the season on June 10 under the management of A. H. and Charles M. Russell of Glens Falls,” The Morning Star reported on May 17.
- Harry Nichols, who formerly managed the Lake House, was to manage the Hundred Island House for the season, replacing Mary Jane Groak and Jennie Bradley, who would now manage the Pearl Point Hotel.
- “Prof. Edward Dudley will remove his summer (music)school, which has for several years been located at Poultney, to Kattskill Bay, Lake George. About thirty pupils can be accommodated at one of the pleasantest points on the most delightful lake,” The Granville Sentinel reported on May 17.
“F. Gates has rented a part of his house to Professor Dudley of Troy for the purpose of teaching voice culture,” the East Lake George correspondent reported in The Morning Star on May 24. “He will have about twenty young lady pupils.”
- “Frank H. Blood left yesterday for Lake George, where he will have charge of Moore & Starbucks branch meat market during the summer season,” The Morning Star reported on May 17.
- “Miss Jessie Armsby has again secured the position of telegraph operator at the Lake House, Lake George. She will commence her duties there around June 1,” the Fort Edward correspondent reported in The Morning Star on May 24.
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