LG Tourism — July 1894
There were fireworks displays at several locations around Lake George on July 4, 1894.
“At 8:30, the grounds (of the Lake House) were brilliantly illuminated with Greek fire, and this was followed by an hour’s display of fireworks and selections by the orchestra,” The Morning Star reported on July 6.
The orchestra would have been Professor Hart’s Orchestra of Philadelphia, the house band at the hotel, which offered “full dress” hops every Saturday evening.
“Landlord Finch extends a cordial invitation to all Glens Falls people,” The Morning Star of Glens Falls reported on June 29.
The orchestra would be popular.
“The Lake House orchestra coming from Philadelphia is making its way into the hearts of the music lovers by its especially good renditions,” The Morning Star reported on July 10.
Twenty-five couples attended the first hop, The Morning Star reported on July 2.
Daily concerts would be presented at the hotel at 11 a.m.
The hotel had 75 guests on July 1.
Elsewhere on July 4th: “An elaborate display of fireworks, furnished by and under the management of Mason Sinclair Cooper of Philadelphia, was given on the Grove House dock and witnessed by boatloads of people in the bay.”
Among those from Glens Falls that passed the 4th at Lake George was a group of about 50 young people who took an afternoon cruise on Burnham’s yacht Helen, before dinner and the festivities at the Lake Gouse.
The Domino Club, along with a few friends, from Glens Falls had Pine Tree Cottage reserved for July 4th, The Morning Star reported on June 30.
St. Mary’s Orchestra of Glens Falls provided music for “a special dance” at The Trout Pavilion on July 3.
The Lake George tourism season was off and running.
“The steamer Ticonderoga on Lake George begins her trips today,” The Morning Star reported on July 2.
“The employees of the friction and pulley works, Sandy Hill, will enjoy a sail through Lake George tomorrow on the steamer Mohican. Persons desiring to accompany them can do so, and may avail themselves of the railroad fare,” The Morning Star reported on July 3.
“St. Mary’s popular band will be on the steamer Mohican all day Sunday, July 14, on both of her health-giving sails to the marvelous Paradise Bay, the beautiful islands and other points of interest,” The Morning Star reported.
“Sunday at the Lake House was one of the most delightful days of the season. It was atmospherically perfect, and no less than three boat excursions were taken to various points down the lake,” The Morning Star reported on July 17.
Deer sightings were encouraging.
“A few days ago, a deer swam from the west shore across the lake from Tea Island and disappeared into the woods on the east shore. A day or two afterward, a deer swam across the bow of Eber Richards’ steam yacht Theta. The boat slowed to let his deership pass,” the Lake George correspondent reported in The Morning Star on July 12. “Incidents of this kind are becoming more numerous and are an indorsement of the protective policy adopted by the state.”
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