LG tourism — June 1894

Maury Thompson
4 min readDec 2, 2023


There was optimism as Lake George was coming alive for another tourism season.

“The hotel men rub their hands together and smilingly exclaim: ’This is the weather that will drive the people out of the cities. It will only hang on, we can soon begin our harvest,’” The Moring Star of Glens Falls reported on June 12, 1894.

“The steamer Horicon is carrying more passengers than usual at this time of year,” the Lake George correspondent reported in The Morning Star of Glens Falls on June 2, 1894. “The steamer Horicon commenced carrying the mail Thursday morning, and Katskill Bay now gets two daily mails.”

Cottagers were beginning to arrive.

“H.T. McCann and family of New York, who have been spending several weeks at the Rockwell House (in Glens Falls), left yesterday for Lake George, where they will occupy their cottage on the Lake House grounds for the summer months.

Hotels were opening.

“The Lake House, Lake George, will open for the season next Monday under the management of L.T. Finch. L.D. Finch of Glens Falls will act as clerk,” The Morning Star reported on June 6.

“The Carpenter House has been put in readiness for summer guests. It is homelike in its surroundings,” The Morning Star reported on June 12.

“Landlord Seelye will open the Crosbyside for guests on June 15,” The Morning Star reported on June 13.

“The Fort William Henry Hotel, Lake George, entertained about 100 guests over Sunday,” The Morning Star reported on June 25.

The Mohican House at Bolton Landing had 18 boarders, The Morning Star reported on June 29.

“Horicon Lodge, Kattskill Bay, opens its doors to the public today,” The Morning Star reported on June 27.

Hotel owners were making improvements.

“The Trout Pavilion is being treated to a new coat of paint,” The Morning Star reported on June 2.

“The Central House has been thoroughly renovated. Fresh paint and paper make everything look new from ground to garret, and new furniture has been placed in sleeping rooms,” The Morning Star reported on June 12.

Sands & Clement’s dry goods store was set to open for the season, with Robert Crosby returning as manager.

Steamboats were beginning their runs.

“The Sunday afternoon trips on Lake George on the new steamer Mohican are becoming very popular,” The Morning Star reported on June 23. “The boat leaves the dock at three o’clock and makes the trip to Paradise Bay and the Hundred Islands, giving the excursionists a rare chance to see the most picturesque portion of the lake. The boat returns at 6:30 o’clock.”

“The steamer Mohican will commence making regular trips next Monday,” The Morning Star reported on June 28. “The steamer Ticonderoga will make the first trip of the season through Lake George on Monday, leaving Baldwin dock at 7:30 o’clock to connect with the ten o’clock train, and leaving Caldwell for Baldwin at 5 p.m.”

Social events were beginning.

“A new feature to be introduced for the first time by the Glens Falls Catholic Association and St. Mary’s Band will be an aquatic musical and literary entertainment, which will take place on Monday evening, June 18, on the occasion of the moonlight excursion on Lake George. An elaborate programme is being arranged, and a rare treat is promised,” The Morning Star reported on June 14.

“Fred Lockner and Jessie Sexton will serve fish chowder under a tent on Pine Point every Sunday afternoon during the season, commencing on June 24,” The Morning Star reported on June 15.

“An excursion and quatre concert will be given on the steamer Mohican, Lake George, on Wednesday of next week, under the auspices of the Glen Quartet,” The Morning Star reported on June 21.

“A merry party of about sixteen ladies and gentlemen … enjoyed a delightful trip through Lake George yesterday. They left here on the nine o’clock train in the morning, and on reaching Caldwell embarked on Captain Harrison’s steamer, the Mohican. … The party returned on the five o’clock train, all well pleased with their day’s outing,” The Morning Star reported on June 23.

There were weddings in the hotel trade.

“Invitations have been received here announcing the forthcoming marriage of Eugene A. Denton, manager of the Adirondack Hotel, Lake George, and Miss Florence B. Hubbell,” The Morning Star reported on June 14.

“H.W. Buckle, proprietor of the Hulett Landing Hotel, and his bride returned from their wedding tour to Montreal yesterday,” The Morning Star reported on Jume 19. “When they landed from the Horicon, the crew gave them three cheers and the pilot brought up the rear with three heavy toots of the whistle.”

It was a big day for Lake George.

“The car builders of the country, now holding a convention in Saratoga, will take a trip on a special train to Lake George today and have luncheon at the Fort William Henry,” The Morning Star reported on June 16. ”Captain Harrison will make a number of trips with The Mohican, so the entire party will have a chance to see the lake. It is expected the party will number nearly one thousand.”

The rail schedule was adjusted to be more convenient for those who commuted back to New York City after spending the weekend at Lake George.

“Station Agent Philley received notice last evening that the Sunday night train from Lake George, this season, will leave soon after the arrival of the boat,” The Morning Star reported on June 12. “This will be welcome news to those who would like to spend Sundays at the lake, but who found it inconvenient under the old arrangement because they could not reach home until midnight.”

Click here to read the most recent previous Lake George tourism history post.



Maury Thompson
Maury Thompson

Written by Maury Thompson

Freelance history writer and documentary film producer from Ticonderoga, NY

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