Rotary 100 — First clambake
This is the latest in an occasional series of posts leading up to the centennial of the Glens Falls Rotary Club in April 2022.
N.R. “Nick” Tarrant, a Glens Falls politician for more than 25 years, was noted for his gregarious nature and thorough attention to government operations.
He also was noted for his skill at catering clambakes, including the first clam bake of the Glens Falls Rotary Club.
“Rotary Club members and their wives and friends will be entertained at a clambake this afternoon at Lake Sunnyside,” The Post-Star reported on Aug. 17, 1922.
“The bake will be served by ‘Nick’ Tarrant, which is an assurance that the ‘inner man’ will be well provided for, and the committee on arrangements has mapped out a program of entertainment that is of a varied enough nature to please all. The bake will be served at 4, and every indication points to a pleasant afternoon for the Rotarians and their guests.”
Tarrant, known as “The Clambake King,” catered clambakes around New York and Canada for years, The Post-Star reported when Tarrant died in1947.
Click here to read the most recent previous post in the series.