Silver Bay in 1910 — Patriotic Day

Maury Thompson
1 min readSep 6, 2020


“The spirit was right and the faces of the four hundred or more men who took part beamed good naturedly upon their neighbors,” The Lake George Mirror reported.

Aug. 12, 1910 was Patriotic Day at the Y.M.C.A. Christian workers conference at Silver Bay Association — a day filled with pageantry, speeches and music.

Activities began at 1:45 p.m. with each delegation marching in turn from a different part of campus to a central location, each delegation singing a hymn while marching.

At the central location, delegations lined up behind Hubert’s Military Band of Ticonderoga, which led the marchers to a dedication ceremony for the new flag pole.

The combined delegations sang, “My Silver Bay,” to the tune of “My Maryland,” and sang “The Star Spangled Banner.”

By coincidence, the steamer Saratoga was passing Silver Bay as delegates sang “The Star Spangled Banner.” Passengers came to the boat’s railing and cheered.

After the ceremony, delegates marched to the auditorium, where each delegation shared a song and a yell.

Author Josiah Strong of New York spoke on the topic “Our Country.”

Before supper, the Silver Bay Student Fire Department conducted a fire drill demonstration.

In the evening, there was a vocal recital by bass soloist J. Wilbur Bache, and Judge William F. Norris of Washington, D.C. spoke on the topic “Christian Citizenship.”

Sources: The Lake George Mirror Aug. 12, 19, 1910.

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Maury Thompson

Freelance history writer and documentary film producer from Ticonderoga, NY